
ZCPʙᴇᴛᴀ docs | 

Real-Time Plugin

This software has been designed to help convert high quality offline simulated character bakes into interactive, real-time characters that maintain a similar level of visual fidelity.

There are two primary real-time training modes; static and dynamic. Before starting either process, it is recommended that a topology test is run on your bake, your skinned mesh and your target geometry, to make sure that there are no potential issues with the training data. To do this, you’ll need to download and install ZIVA VFX.

After loading ZIVA VFX, you’ll want to execute the following command on each of the specified meshes:

zMeshCheck -sel -iso -v -vb;

(This command does not require a license to work)

If any geometry issues are flagged, fix them before training.

To be extra safe, you should consider executing the above command on the entire bake sequence while aggregating the results.

For help with the zMeshCheck command, execute zMeshCheck -h;