
ZCPʙᴇᴛᴀ docs | 


Ziva’s zWrap command lets you deform a mesh based on the deformations of another mesh. This function is similar to the RBFWarp command, but is not suitable for complex transfers.

To get started, run the zWrap command and select your source ‘cage’ mesh. This ‘cage’ mesh must be animated over time. Then, you must select the mesh(es) you seek to deform. The zWrap deformer will construct a coordinate frame of each ‘cage’ mesh vertex – and will account for all rotations. The coordinate frame is composed of axes, informed by the first two edges of each cage mesh vertex. The deformer then uses the collection of coordinates to identify the location of the nearest corresponding vertex on the ‘target’ mesh. The deformer then computes the barycentric coordinates of the ‘cage’ mesh triangle’s vertices, A, B, C throughout the animation frames. The target mesh vertex is then deformed based on the A, B, C coordinates.

For optimal results, the source ‘cage’ mesh and target mesh(es) should be similar in form but can have differing topology.


zWrap [select the cage mesh] [selected the meshe(es) to be deformed]


  1. Run zWrap command
  2. Select the "cage" mesh
  3. Select the mesh(es) to be deformed by zWrap deformer