
ZCPʙᴇᴛᴀ docs | 


The zDeformationTransfer command lets you deform a mesh based on the deformations of another, single mesh, with the same topology. You must start by selecting your source mesh in its reference shape, and then select your source mesh in its deformed shape. The zDeformationTransfer deformer will then intuitively deform the ‘target’ mesh based on the difference between the reference and deformed counterpart in every frame.


zDeformationTransfer <select reference_mesh> <select deformed_mesh> <select target_mesh(es)>


  1. Run the zDeformationTransfer command
  2. Select the source mesh in its reference shape
  3. Select the source mesh in its deformed shape
  4. Select the target mesh(es) that will be deformed using deformation transfer