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The zRBF Warp command lets you warp geometry mesh based on the the deformations between a selected ‘source cage’ mesh and a ‘target cage’ mesh. To achieve this, run the zRBFWarp command and select your chosen "source cage" mesh and your "target cage" mesh (these must have a 1:1 correspondence and in the same order). The deformer is trained to effectively map the ‘source cage’ vertices onto the corresponding ‘target cage’ vertices. Then, you must select the shape(s) that you’d like to warp. The selection of these 3 pieces will prompt the zRBFWarp deformer node to run, which will apply the computed mesh deformations to the select shapes.

There is no requirement that the warped mesh be inside the source cage. The cage usually has lower resolution than the warped mesh, which may have a different topology to the cage.


zRBFWarp [select source cage] [select target cage] [select mesh(es) to be warped]


  1. Select the "source cage" mesh
  2. Select the "target cage" mesh
  3. Select the shape(s) to be deformed by RBF warping
  4. Run zRBFWarp with these objects to prompt zRBFWarp deformer node that deforms the shape(s)

After the zRBFWarp node is created, the “maxKernelCenters” attribute can be used to adjust the precision of the Radial Basis Function (RBF) field. Lower values are less precise, but smoother and require less memory.